Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA




DATE: October 14, 2004

Give yourselves a pat on the back. Plaque for Highest per capita donations received for Candy Days in 2003 was awarded to us at the last District 1J Zone meeting!
Please let our Chairman Lion Jerry Bimber or Lion President Ernie Turcotte know if you have any more contributions for Candy Days. There is still time to get some corporate underwriting letters out, if you haven’t already done them. Lion Dave Hulseberg will once again be doing the auction for dinner gift certificates, via email, soon and you can donate and eat great at the same time! Remember, part of our goal this year, is to collect so much money during Candy Days that there won’t be a need to run any raffles later this year. Please do your part!

Kudos to Kudulis!!!!!!!!!
Wag your tails at Lion Steve Kudulis for an outstanding effort this year that surpasses the great performance he accomplished last year. Way to go Steve!!
Also, we have a couple of other stand out Lions who, as usual, do a masterful job at this Candy Day stuff. Lions Jerry Bimber (our illustrious chairman) and Lion George Rentz have brought in some big numbers once again this year. I don’t have the final totals yet but, they will be posted in next months final report. Nice going guys and thank you for the time, labor and effort!!!

Candy Day Appreciation Pasta Dinner:
Friday October 22 at 6:00 p.m.
Please come to this worthwhile event and say “Hi and Thanks” to all of our volunteers for Candy Day. You cannot believe what a tremendous job our volunteers do for us during Candy Days. They are out on the street and dodging cars, collecting, just like the rest of us and the amount of donations they bring in is phenomenal! We have volunteers from the Deicke Home, NEDSRA and RRAF, just to name a few. At this time it is too close to call but, it looks like team 2 will be serving you your dinner.

Community Vision & Hearing program:
Lion Scott Tobey and I have assisted you in helping one more needful member of our community to get a pair of eyeglasses, through our new program with Lenscrafters of America. They sell us $ 50.00 vouchers (good to purchase any glasses in the store worth up to $ 90.00.) We will keep you informed whenever we assist someone in our community.

Hearing Screening Bus:
Many thanks to Lion Dave Hulseberg for setting up the Lions International Hearing screening bus to be at The Carlisle in Lombard. Because of this Lions foresight and work ethic we gave Hearing screening and Diabetic Retinopathy screening, at this event, to more people than at any time in the past. We gave 50 Hearing screenings and 80 Visual screenings. Many thanks also to all Lion members who gave an hour or two the help out on this program. Special thanks to Lisa Iorii (Lion Bob Iorii’s wife) for showing up early and helping me get things organized and then staying and helping out with the screenings.

Recycling extravaganza:
Many thanks to Lion Sandy Sarillo for putting in over 10 hours of duty at the September Recycling extravaganza at Yorktown Mall. Lion Sandy was the chairperson for this event and she also headed up the set up crew and the clean up crew and, oh yeah, she was the entire work crew too!! Thanks Sandy

Where does it all go Department:
The executive director Bruce Thompson of the Deicke Home in Lombard was our guest speaker on September 21st and gave his insight on the needs of that community and their goals and plans for the future. They have a wish list of things needed in the home and one of the things on the list was a gas barbeque grill. At this months Board meeting, we decided to help out The Deicke Home with the purchase of a gas barbeque grill for approximately $ 200.00. We also had a guest speaker Ray Campbell from the Center for Independent Living on October 5th . Ray stated that their services included advocacy for transportation, peer counseling and independent skills training for those with physical disabilities. He stated that ½ of all blind adults have macular degeneration of some kind.

Dead Beat Dept.:
Last month I told you about the problem we are experiencing with some of our members who are very behind in the paying of their account. Letters are being sent out to those members this week and they will have until November to take care of the bills or contact us for discussion. Any member who has been delinquent for 90 days or more and has paid nothing toward his/her past due account will be dropped from the clubs roster. Any member who has a problem with their billing should contact Lion Ross or President Ernie and discuss it right away.

New Member Dept.:
Lion Scott Tobey is, once again, asking you to invite a friend to a meeting. October is, traditionally, membership month (November would be okay too!) and we would like to be in on the bandwagon of finding a person who is willing to give back to the community. Please ask someone you know, who is willing to work and enjoy the fellowship of some fine, community minded people, to come to a meeting soon. Tuesday October 19th our District 1J zone chairman will be here to give an insight as to what’s happening in the district. It would be nice if we not only had a lot of members there but, also bring in a potential member (remember a potential member gets a free lunch!)

Calendar of Events:
We are now starting to gear up for Pancake Day (February 6th, 2005). Lions Dave Orr and Jeff Cholewa are chairing this event and will need your help in selling tickets and flipping flapjacks and such. More details will follow soon. As always, the calendar of our activities and meetings is on our website. www.lombardlions.org Please go there and check it out so, you will have no excuse why you didn’t know what was going on or when it was going on. Please call or write me anytime you have a gripe or a suggestion for the newsletter. It is your club. Get involved!

See you at the next meeting, take care and God bless,
Lion Dom

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